A one night show to celebrate our re-opening – assuming no inpector ruins our day since no inspector ruined our day! Doors at 6pm, Show at 7pm.
Immediately after we receive our CO (permission to open), about 9am, we’re planning this super-relaxed night to hang out and enjoy comedy back in Harvard Square. Come with many friends since we won’t have another first opening night for at least 8 more years.
Maybe it’s a like going back to your local pub after it’s been refurbished and wondering what they’ve changed. I can tell you Curious George has gone as a neighbor which is more than a shame. And it’s up to us all to bring back the fun, soul and life to the area. So, we will be plotting in our deep basement – right under the capital1st bank – all the things we want to achieve as we build the club back again.
It’s time to come together and build the next chapter of comedy and find the stars of tomorrow. But we’ll start small with a fun night, testing our systems and hanging out to chat with whoever drops in. It’s time to laugh again.
First 50 tickets at a bargain $8! Insider members at $6 therefore. That’s too a good a deal really, but we’re doing it anyway.
Our Bar opens an hour before showtime, so come early and grab a drink with us! The Bar also stays open until 1AM, so stop by after our last show of the evening! Tax and tip included in all drink prices.